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Connie H Strong
Feb 14, 20199 min read
From Hooterville to Chappell Hill, Love is in the Air
With Valentine’s Day right rapidly approaching, stores are filled with frilly red and pink consumer enticement, and every guilt-inducing...
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Connie H Strong
Jan 27, 20197 min read
"Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It's Off to Work We Go"
Baby Boomers are familiar with change, uncertainty and the need for resilience, and sometimes that comes in the unnerving form of being...
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Connie H Strong
Dec 31, 20186 min read
Is it Really Such a Wonderful Life?
As we’re picking up the last shreds of wrapping paper and carefully packing away the ornaments for next year’s holiday season, a new year...
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Connie H Strong
Dec 8, 20185 min read
Do I Look Like June Cleaver to You?
With Thanksgiving now behind us and Christmas quickly approaching, we'll all put our best foot forward. Facebook posts, Instagrams,...
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Connie H Strong
Nov 12, 20186 min read
A View from the Inside: Texas (POW) Camp Hearne
Baby Boomers know about war. We’ve seen a few, lost family to some, and felt the social and personal repercussions of all of them. Each...
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Connie H Strong
Oct 31, 20185 min read
Ghosts: Believe It? Or Not?
Tonight’s the fright-night when porch lights turn on, the candy comes out and little ghosts and goblins show up on doorsteps everywhere...
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Connie H Strong
Oct 2, 20185 min read
The Lost Art of Letter Writing
Well, first the good news: nobody gets a Dear John or Dear Jane letter anymore. The bad news is fewer and fewer people are sending...
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Connie H Strong
Sep 10, 20185 min read
NYC ~ Things in Life I Will Never Forget
As a lover of travel, I keep a bag packed “just in case” and one foot out the door at all times. A couple of years before the attack that...
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Connie H Strong
Aug 21, 20187 min read
Just Take Those Old Records Off the Shelf!
I recently saw a lovely video taken at a senior care facility in which musicians played songs for the residents from “their day and...
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Connie H Strong
Aug 6, 20183 min read
When Life Hands You Peaches...
By this time in our lives, dietary restrictions may have put a damper on our Baby Boomer food choice options. We passively – and...
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Connie H Strong
Jul 25, 20187 min read
"Drivers, START YOUR ENGINES!" (and a Little Bit of Magic)
It’s safe to say that those who know me well would have taken odds that I was not going to be “in my happy place” during my first Daytona...
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Connie H Strong
Jul 4, 20184 min read
Happy 4th of July! — What Benjamin Did at 70
Hot dogs, apple pie, and fireworks pretty much sum up what most of us consider a perfectly perfect, traditional Fourth of July....
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Connie H Strong
Jun 15, 20186 min read
Let's Talk About Daddies, Grandpas and Sheriff Andy Taylor
If you were lucky enough to grow up during the Baby Boomer years, you were lucky enough. It was a simpler time when Hugh Beaumont’s...
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Connie H Strong
May 25, 20186 min read
It’s the Mind That Matters — Santa Fe, Texas
By now, the Bloomin’ Boomers generation has seen enough sunsets to know that not everything in life is fun and games. The inevitable...
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Connie H Strong
May 12, 20184 min read
Moms, Knitted Sweaters, Fruit Cocktail and Woodrow Wilson
I was surprised to learn that the sweaters Fred McFeely Rogers wore on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” were knitted by his mother. While it...
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Connie H Strong
Apr 29, 20183 min read
Here's to the Late Bloomers!
Did you know that Charles Darwin wrote “On the Origin of the Species” (1859) when he was 50 years old? When Harland Sanders was 65, "The...
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Connie H Strong
Apr 27, 20181 min read
The More Things Change...
For as long as I can remember, I've had the need to write. Until I made it a second career, I began the very bad habit of writing things...
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Connie H Strong
Apr 17, 20182 min read
You Just Can't Argue With Audrey...
Audrey Hepburn had the right idea and I couldn't agree more. She said, "I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing...
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